Category: Education Tools

Coding as an Education Tool

Coding as an Education Tool: Today's digital world has made learning to code a necessary skill for everyone. Coding is employed in many other industries these days, not only computer science and...

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Revolutionizing Education Tools

Education is just one of the areas that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly changing. Artificial Intelligence is finding its way into a lot of educational products, providing creative ways to improve student...

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR)

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): Revolutionizing Our Environment Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are two cutting-edge technological ideas that have taken the globe by storm. Our interactions with...

Educational Apps and Software

Educational Apps and Software: Education is no longer what it used to be some decades ago in which students had classrooms and a good number of textbooks. The educational apps and programmes are...

learning management system (LMS)

learning management system (LMS): With this ever advancing ICT revolution in today’s world, learning has gone beyond the walls of school rooms. In this respect, learning management system comes as a crucial agent...

Essential Education Tools for Every Student

Essential Education Tools for Every Student: Education has since become an essential aspect in today’s fast paced and technologically driven world. The use of these tools provides a lot of possibilities for learners...
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